Tuesday, July 13, 2010

MLS - Managed Laundry Services?

Washing Machines


Managed services are everywhere...

A few months back, midway through the second stage of an analysis for a local college, the IT guy and I stopped to engage in a short conversation about the MPS program that my company would be implementing at the school with a lady from the library.

Much to my surprise, about halfway through the conversation a parallel was drawn between our MPS program and the way that the school plans on managing it's... laundry?

Yes, indeed.

The school plans on implementing what I refer to as an MLS plan.

All service, supplies and repairs are included in the cost of the plan with a fix it or replace it guarantee (whoa, deja' vu).

The company (of which the name the IT guy did not know) will provide the machines to the school all of which will be under contract with a CPL "cost per load" plan. Monthly visits from washer and dryer techs will ensure all machines are running at optimum performance levels and will undergo repairs or cleanings when necessary.

As mentioned earlier all soaps, powders, dryer sheets and additional supplies are included in the price of the plan.

Students will be prompted to buy a "laundry pass" which will save them money on their weekly laundry should they choose to do their laundry on campus, while any profits will either be funneled back into the MLS plan or go to benefit other campus needs.


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